TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Mistakes Will Never Stop Being Made

Mistakes are what make us better as humans. When we make mistakes, we think that the world is ending sometimes when really we are just learning from them. It can seem devastating at the moment but looking back on it 5 years down the road, we see that it wasn’t really that bad and that we learned a lot from those mistakes.

A time that I remember making a mistake takes place last year. I was working at my job. It was my first job and I was pretty bad at it. I worked the cash register which was a really bad idea because I wasn’t the best at it. I always felt the need to pull my phone out when I didn’t need to. I would pull it out to distract myself from having to communicate with people. So, when I got done talking to the customers, I would pull my phone out and stare at my home screen. Doing this wasn’t good because it looked bad for the customers and, sometimes, I would be behind on packaging and the manager would remind me. This habit got me fired from my job. So did my lack of communication.

I have since then pondered on the reason I was let go since I wasn’t given one. And I always told people I don’t really know when I think I had a clue. It was no mystery my phone use is what kept me from keeping that job. The important thing now though is that I keep this as a little reminder to where I work now so I don’t make the same mistake again.

This mistake definitely hurt me at the moment. I was out of a job and I didn’t have constant income like I was getting used to. While it took me a long time to realize, I had finally accepted that I was fired because of my phone usage. But there is something important that I also learned along the way. The important thing that I learned from my mistake was to limit phone usage or not to bring it at all. I decide not to bring my phone to my job anymore because it isn’t activated and therefore has no use at my job. I currently work as a dishwasher so now I don’t have to interact as much and it saves me the cost of my job. I think the reason I am doing fine where I am now is that I don’t bring my phone to my job anymore.

In conclusion, the mistake that was made cost me a job but, in return, gave me a bunch of useful information on how to keep a job instead of getting fired. This is what we should do to our mistakes. We should remember these mistakes we make and remember them so we don’t repeat them. Doing this allows us to grow as humans and prevent mistakes from repeating. When you make a mistake, you can share the mistake with your family and now they will know not to make the same mistake you did. For example, I went home and told my family my reason I was let go after accepting it, and now they know. If they ever grab a job as a cashier, limit your phone use or you will be let go.

“The four capital mistakes of open source” by opensourceway is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0


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