TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Patience Is A Virtue

Being patient means that you are understanding and tolerant. All of us can be patient but it is hard for the people that don’t want to be patient. Holding a door for someone who is 50 feet away is considered nice but you are also exemplifying patience. The patience to hold that door open for a while. We can be patient at times or we can just decide not to. We have all been there trying to hold a door open for someone, it seems, five miles away. At the moment we get frustrated, though, we remember to be patient. Again, being patient means being understanding and tolerant. Tolerance towards other people and understandings is the way to go if you are trying to achieve patience.

Patience is considered a virtue. Virtue is moral excellence. So when we say patience is a virtue, we mean that patience is moral excellence and it’s one of the best things we can do as humans. We all know being patient doesn’t require too much skill. Just patience.

A time I remember having to be patient was sitting in the waiting room at the doctors. I felt like I had been sitting there for years and years just waiting for my name to be called. I was younger, maybe 10, so I had a bunch of energy that just wanted to leave me. I can only describe this energy as if you were in a waiting line for a roller coaster for about 2 hours. Just not so excited to reach your destination. I’m sure everyone is like this in a waiting room regardless of their age. I know my dad has trouble sitting still so he has to open a magazine or play with the little toys they give you in the waiting room. My dad and I were forced to either sit or stand. Not run. I was used to running a lot, so having to sit down for a while wasn’t on my to-do list. The amount of patience from my dad that it took to get me to be patient must have made him run out of his patience. Running for me is a big part of childhood and the more you run, the more fun you have. Sitting in a quiet waiting room was quite literally the opposite of this. My dad was telling me to sit down constantly and I just couldn’t shake the feeling that I couldn’t get up and run around. I tried pleading with my dad but he always told me, no and it would be like this until they called our name. During this time, I had to show great patience during this time period which lasted maybe 30 minutes. It was really busy and everyone knows how slow the waiting room can be. They put toys in front of you for the kids but I’m sure the adults get a kick out of them too. Because when you’re bored in the waiting room, you’ll do anything. I’m sure everyone sitting in the waiting room would tell the same. The worst part about it though is when you are done waiting for 30 minutes, they have you sit in the doctor’s office for another 10-15 minutes. This part is a little easier to have patience though because you are in a different location.

Having a bunch of energy just sitting around inside of you but not being able to let it out is the worst. So, being patient wasn’t in mind but I had no choice anyhow. I couldn’t just leave.

“Patience” by AuthenticAng11 is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0


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