TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The impacts of social media

As a teenager and anyone born in the 2000s they would tell you that social media has been a huge thing in our lives, due to the fact that it got popular during the times of our upbringings, platforms like Myspace, and Facebook took the stage as being something for people to stay connected with and post updates about their lives, but slowly turned into much more, but maybe not for the better. Social media platforms market themselves as being a place so stay connected with family and friends and a place to meet new people all around the world.

Which as it started out seemed like a good thing, family members and friends in different states could stay connected and even play some online games together. But now with more platforms out like snap chat, twitter, tik tok, and tumbler, people are getting way out of control, they are spending way more time on social media then anything else, they may spend hours and hours a day on social media without even noticing losing an entire day even. And with all of these platforms it gives people different options to choose from, and people are more apt to use one or the other, or even all of them.

But now they have started to use them in a negative way, by attacking each other online, bullying and harassing each other for what someone has been posted, liked, or even commented on, people get harassed about their opinions on subjects, or how they looks and even their interests. On top of all of that many teenagers now a days spend most of their time on these platforms, after spending an entire day of school through a screen or on a device they go into social media platforms and just scroll for hours, not doing very much with their lives, which can be mentally and physically harming to the body and mind.

Now its not just the teenagers that are being effected many of the adult population has gotten on to social media and spend the same amount of time on social media platforms as teenagers do. People need to spend more time off of social media platforms they need to go outdoors or do something with their family, something other then being on social media all the time. We as a society need to lower the amount of time on social medias and focus on mental and physical health of ourselves and others.

Featured Image: “Automotive Social Media Marketing” by socialautomotive is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Additional Images:

“Crowd of people with phones” by Rawpixel Ltd is licensed under CC BY 2.0

“People-without-phones-reading-books-made-from-paper-on-tube shock.” by heloukee is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0


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