TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Laughter Is Contagious

Laughing is happening all the time. If someone is not laughing around you, there is a good chance that someone is laughing somewhere else. You can be surrounded by laughter all the time if you choose the right people. Laughter is powerful and can put you at ease.

A time that I can recall about laughter takes place not too long ago actually. It happened just in the last two weeks. Me and my two younger brothers Damian and Austin were in the bathroom brushing our teeth. D— was standing near the washer, A— near the sink, and me near the door. Me, D—, and A—- n are normally really energetic towards the end of the night. But we were slightly out of it. There was light chatter but not much. We were all so tired and strung out from the day. That was until someone had cracked a joke at the right time.

I was standing near the door and my brother D—- had said something. I can’t remember what he said though but it was just loud enough for us to laugh. But regardless, Me and my brother A—- instantly ran to the sink to spit out whatever toothpaste was in our mouths. We just looked up with continuous laughter and asked him “What did you say?” Whatever he said had seemed so weird at the time and the bathroom was very quiet. He just repeated again what he said and we died of laughter once again.

The joke was funny to us. I can’t point out exactly what it was but it had us laughing for forever it seemed. Five minutes realistically. We were feeling so ecstatic at the moment so we might have forgotten because of that reason. We were all feeling so much better to have had laughter pass through us at this moment. It was something we very much needed. We were just quietly brushing away until we heard the words come out of his mouth and we were instantly at the sink removing the toothpaste from our mouths. We were dying of laughter and the funny thing is how I can’t even remember. I don’t even think D—- or A—- could remember either. It was truly funny though and it could have been slightly less funny if we were all hyper and energetic. Maybe, because we were tired, this thing he said has us laughing forever. We went to bed feeling joy.

In conclusion, it was definitely a night to remember. The joke may have been forgotten but the night won’t. Eventually, we had settled down and that was a blessing for the people trying to sleep. Laughter brings together everyone in a room and can make 3 people seem like 10. Laughter is a very powerful thing but should be done in the right way. That is the importance of laughter.

“A-maze-ing Laughter” by Sworldguy is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0


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