TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Mistakes of a High school Sophomore

During my time as a sophomore I had become more acquainted with the people within the school, this being teachers, students, and other staff members. I had allowed myself to be comfortable around these people, this was in fact my first mistake, as it led me to be too comfortable in the school. With comfort comes laziness, and in that I indulged. I found myself doing little to no work around the second semester of the year and I had no plans to stop.

In came some friends, who had stopped talking to me. Now for anybody this would just be something they would get over in say, a week or so. But this was an entire group of friends who I had known for years. It left me fairly depressed and being lazy I let it all happen and didn’t really do anything to try and help myself. This was my second mistake, not seeking help when I needed it.

In comes another group of friends. A group that left a bad impact on me, causing me to change how I acted to conform to how I thought would make them like me the most, I worked hard to act a certain way, so I could meet a sort of quota that would allow me to finally feel accepted by these people. And while they aren’t bad people by any means the behaviors that I changed to make them happy at the time changed the way I think and act. That was my third mistake, conformity.

And in comes the last mistake. One that ties all of the others together, sloth. I didn’t change myself or even try to get help to do such a thing when I could. I allowed myself to become lazy, and to let my surroundings affect me, and allow the people around me determine my mannerisms with just social construct. I allowed myself to be changed but wouldn’t change myself. And that is the fourth and final mistake.

I still have some behaviors that i’m not able to shake. Habits I can’t get rid of, and though it may have been through my group of friends and the people around me that I developed this personality I need to come to a realization about the truth. This has clearly affected me in many ways, after sophomore year I didn’t do any work; I ended up going to summer school. After the same repeated behaviors Junior year I had to repeat two classes and get work done from other classes that I had failed to do, all because of laziness and a state of mind that I refused to change. Now i’m working to accept responsibility and make that change, so I can move onto college, or whatever I decide to do after high school. I’m working to make that change, to correct those mistakes. I hope that anybody who is reading this that hopes to achieve any kind of goal understands that with time comes a need to change, and that you need to be the one who changes yourself, not the world around you.

“Custer County District High School, Miles City” by dave_mcmt is licensed under CC BY 2.0


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