TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Patience Works.

Recently the most annoying situation I’ve ever encountered happened to me. It was a normal day and I was on my way to my local Verizon to upgrade my phone. Everything went normal and I was waiting till I got home to activate my new phone. I’ve had my old phone for a long time and I was stoked about the one that I had got. It was the newest phone out and my old phone could barely last throughout the day without dying. Little did I know this excitement and impatience would be my downfall.

As I was setting it up, I was on the last step which was a verification code that was sent to my old phone, and as I was going to look at it my mind went blank. The phone I used for 3 years, I completely forgot my passcode.I couldn’t believe what was happening and tried putting in attempt after attempt of what I thought it was. eventually locking myself for 1 minute, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, an hour, and then completely disabling my iPhone. Then, the impatient man that I was I frantically searched for a way to unlock my phone. Little did I know it was impossible to unlock my iPhone because I disabled that feature at Verizon because it was the only way to unlock my new phone. If I had just been patient I probably could have remembered it. I called apple, I called Verizon, sat on hold for a good 45minutes until finally talking to someone who factory reset my phone so I could use my new one. After losing half of the things I have had saved on my old phone, I finally got to set up my new one. After everything was done and I could relax a little.

I remember specifically getting off my couch after the long phone call with customer service. I made my way into the bathroom to take a number 2. I sat down, took out my new phone, and typed in the passcode to my old phone. If I had been patient instead of trying to remember it as fast I could, I would’ve put in my password without even having to think about it. If I had the patience I could have avoided mounds of stress and hours of phone calls. I have definitely learned my lesson on patience after that experience.

“Lulu learns patience..” by WasabiDoobie is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0


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