TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Social Media Horror Story

Social media. The best thing this generation has come up with right? As it can be used in some great ways, it can also really cause issues. Below I will going into detail on how and why social media is good or bad.

Social media can be a good thing in many ways. Being about to go online and learn about new things. You can find articles all over places like Facebook that will tell you about the most recent events. This is helpful if your someone who likes to keep up with what’s going on in the world without having to watch the news. Different social media apps also allow you to communicate with people. You have someone who lives in a different country and don’t want to pay a crazy amount to call them? Go on just about any social media platform and you can talk to them all day every day!! Lastly, I feel that social media is a good thing because you can build relationships. There are millions of people out there on the internet. You never know, you may just find your new best friend, lost family member, or even your significant other. As you can see social media can be good.

On the other side of things, social media can be the leading factor to a lot of not-so-good things. Take Instagram for example. You’re scrolling through the home page and we are blasted with pictures and videos of beautiful people, amazing places, and crazy activities. Going deeper into these topics you will see how they can be bad. A big problem for teen girls is comparing themselves, or being compared to models. Seeing all these skinny, makeup-heavy, nip and tuck girls is causing you to believe that that is the definition and/or expectation of beauty. Things like this have caused people to go to extreme measures to look like the people they see online. From eating less to spending crazy money on makeup and surgeries, girls all over the world are putting themselves in danger due to these societal “norms”. When it comes to some of the videos you find online, people need to be really careful. Lots of young adults will see pranks or trick-shot videos and think it is a good idea to try it and end up hurting themselves or someone else. These things could be prevented but with so many social media platforms out there and people not thinking first, it’s only going to get worse before it gets better. Don’t even get me started on online bullying. Do you realize how easy it is to go online, make a fake or private account, and torment people? Online bullying is one of the top leading causes of suicide. From this you can see why social media is also a bad thing.

“The Art of Social Media” by mkhmarketing is licensed under CC BY 2.0


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