TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Scream of Terror

This night was exciting. The scream was horrifying but hilarious. The reason for the scream, was spooky, but first I have to show you how it all started.

I woke up one summer morning of 2017 at 8:00 a.m. not expecting anything exciting to happen. That was until my friend, Nate, called me. He wanted to know if I was busy and of course I wasn’t. So, his parents picked me up and we went mountain biking in Turner. We had lots of fun except the bike I had kept stuttering. It would stop pedaling on the rocks and in the dirt and the next thing I know I’m falling. After that, we went and got ice cream. Nate then asked his parents if he could spend the night at my house. Of course they said yes. Nate and I used to hang out all the time. So we went back to my house and this is where it gets better.

At first we played basketball outside. I’d like to say the games were always even. Then we tossed the football around. Nate was standing under a tree. I presumed to punt the ball and when I did, the ball hit the fragile branch and the branch landed on Nate’s head. I have no idea how it didn’t knock him out. However, through my loud laughter I could hear him say, “holy frick you bi**h! That could’ve knocked me out!” I fell to the ground laughing because who doesn’t laugh when their friend gets hurt. He laughed at my pain all the time, so when he got hurt I didn’t miss the chance to laugh at him. However, that wasn’t the funny part.

It was 1:00 in the morning. We were trying to go to bed, or at least I was. Apparently he scheming a plan to scare the daylights out of me. He said, “Branden, bro no joke there’s an old man standing across the street in the bushes.” This was Sabattus. There was many of bushes across the street apart from the houses. I said, “no there’s not. Go to bed.” He didn’t give up however, “look out your window right now bro.” So I looked, “there is no old man bro. Give it up. You’re not gonna trick me.” He responded with, “he must have left already.” Then, not even a second later, my light turns on and I belched out the loudest scream in the world. I would love to say it was manly but it was not. Nate was laughing his butt off so hard, he fell off the bed. Next thing I know, my mom’s friend was standing at the doorway and shouted, “it’s 1:00 in the morning. Go the frick to bed!” I thought it was the old man outside but it wasn’t. it was a different old man.

“Horror” by patosincharco is marked with CC PDM 1.0


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