TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Digital Footprint

In society today internet and social media is the norm. Because of this it is very important that people veiw you as a good person on social media. Your digital footprint is everything that you have ever left behind on the internet, such as, pictures, comments, and other activity on social platforms. Having a good digital footprint will make it easier for people to know you are a good person, before the even meet you. Employers often look for a digital footprint when searching for people to hire. They can easily search you on social media platforms and see what type of person you are based on the things you do on social media. “Employers are increasingly making use of Internet search engines to locate and evaluate online information about potential employees.”(Jalger). Social media makes it very easy for you to create a good look for yourself online, a lot of people look at social media for a reference because of this. However, not everything on social media is good. Some people chose to use social media poorly, this is called a bad digital footprint. If you have a bad digital footprint, people are less likely to hire you just based off of your social media profile. It is important to make sure you aren’t posting anything that employers don’t like. These things include, posts of illegal activities or substances, or even harrassment in the comment section of other people’s posts. Anyone who has a phone can know a lot about you within minutes in todays world. All an employer or coach has to do is type your name and they can see all your profiles.

Because social media is such an easily accessable thing, there are many ways that students can create a good digital footprint. One of the best was to create a good digital footprint is my making a digital resume. Having a digital resume can make it easier for people to notice your skills and things like that because it can get to more people than if it was just on paper. Other ways to make a good digital footprint include, online competitions, blogging, and having multiple different social media platforms.If used properly these are all great tools to help you create your own digital footprint Angela was surprised by all “The attention that I’d gotten for doing this” (Angela). She has gained a following just from blogging. This example illustrates this has helped her make a positive digital footprint. Because social media is a part of our lives today it is important to leave a good impression for yourself in the digital universe. In conclusion, it is very important to have a good digital footprint because, you don’t have to meet someone for them to know who you are.

“person holding phone – Credit to” by John Beans is licensed under CC BY 2.0


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