TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Laughter Is The Best Medicine

My most recent true story is the recent passing of my dog Jade. It was a very hard time and even harder to keep going forward threw the days when you have no one by your side of even making noise. We get so used to these things and heck sometimes we find them annoying. However, we have no idea that those annoying things sometimes we can miss so much. Life does not feel right without a dog for me.

When I get home from a long day at work I want to be greeted by a dog that acts like he or she has not seen me in years. It is some of the best feelings when a dog is wagging its tail so much it’s butt goes with it. The big smiles and laughter the dog can give you makes you forget about your tiring day. Laughing can be sometimes the only fix for sadness.

When we are in the middle of laughing all our bad thoughts just go away and think about good and funny memories. That was how I keep pushing threw the tuff days. I would stop thinking about the bad and think about when she had her first icecream or when we first got her she didn’t even know how to run and ran like a horse. Dogs can really bring out the good in us and fix almost any of our emotional issues.

You could see it in her face that she would respect everything yu did for her from giving her water,food, and just showing her love. When you think about the bad times with your animals or the sad moments that we hate to think or experience just think that you gave them a great life and all those goofy moments can brighten that up. She would give so many moments of laughter that is would make all the other things just disapear.

Laughter in my opinion is one of the best medicines and can fix a horrible day in an instant. If I would have a long and tiring day at work my dog would be there at the door waiting for me to come home and when she saw me she would smile and that would always make me laugh so hard that I would forget completely about my bad day and just give her all the love I could.

It could be something as simple as her snoring in her sleep or having a dream that would make me laugh so hard. She used to start running laying down sleeping like she was chasing a ball. That did not just make me laugh but my whole family on Christmas. The main point here is that she could not just make me laugh but everyone around her because of her silly personality and things she would do.

My dog was always there for me in the passing of my grandmother she was there to make me laugh on the hardest days or even entertain me. I loved to see her when she would get full of energy and just start running everywhere up and down left and right it did not matter she was like a ball bouncing off the walls. No matter how sad or down or heck even stressed she was there to supply me with the best medicine and that was laughter.

I don’t think anything else can help sadness besides laughter because that is the only thing that get get our brain off of the bad things. Sadness is just like pain but emotionally. Well what do we do to get ride of pain? Some people take medicine to help it other do some different things. For sadness, it is a little different you can’t just take a pill and it all goes away.

You need to do something with your brain to help fix that problem. Laughter can patch that up by all the good and funny memories you think of while laughing. It is like the advil of pain but for sadness. Dogs are very smart, they are able to detect any emotion, but I think they thrive when we are sad. Every dog has a different personality, so not every dog is the same and reacts in the same manor.

My dog would instantly do something completely goofy or just random to try and get my emotions up a little bit and not be so downed. It is like she knew in order to make her owner to be less sad than she needs to make me laugh. If a dog nows this and humans than for sure laughter can fix sadness.

“Dogs 013” by mrspattinsonn is licensed under CC BY 2.0


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