TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

We Learn More By Making Mistakes

I do not care how many mistakes I make in life, I just know I will come out of ti with even more knowledge so I can prevent the next. Yes, people may look at you funny or make fun of you for such a silly mistake but people like that do not usually learn from their mistakes. There is no one in life that has never made a mistake. Nobody is perfect and ever will be. For example, Kobe Bryant was amazing at basketball. However, no one looks at the times he failed and the constant lessons he had to learn. He did not make a lot of shots but everyone looks at the ones he did make. You will not learn unless you take the shot and he was never afraid to fail. People would hate on him because he missed a game winner. They don’t realize that you don’t get everything right in life, there needs to be failure at some point and after that point you learn to make yourself better at life.

In my opinion, more chances and mistakes you make you are going to be way more successful than others around you who are not willing to take the shot or do something out of their comfort zone. I will share some examples of my mistakes in life. My friends think I built my race car easily with no problems. However, there are VERY wrong. There was a lot of mistakes so I learned a ton of things. There was constant late nights being in the garage because I was just making so many that the job was taking forever. A good example I have is when I was doing the new rear brake setup on my car. I was getting so frustrated because they were not working. I tried everything and I mean everything. Clearly I thought I did everything but there was still something to make it work. I called the brake company 17 times for help changed everything and still nothing. One day I was out in the garage and I realized something. It just clicked with me right away. I said to myself well air travels up why is my bleed screw to release the air on the bottom. The air could not escape because it was up and the bleed screw was down. It took me a month to finally realize the big mistake I have made.

I could have screamed at the brake company and told them their product was garbage and it failed, instead I accepted it was completely was fault and my silly mistake. I could not help but laugh a little and be a little frustrated with myself. However, I knew that I learned I will never do it again because I got this life experience. In life you need to look at these mistakes as a good thing. You are learning and getting better and smarter at what you want to do. I just took out the car not to long ago, and there was so many things going wrong but my friends made me realize that hey even the best racers started out the same way you did, and it is just a learning experience. They both said to me fix it and come back better and expect failure once more. You are not the only one in life that has made the same mistake you have. I realized instantly you know what ya that is very true and I am only going get better from here on forward. You should think the same way also, you are going to get better and better and success will come, you just gotta really push for it.

“always make new mistakes” by elycefeliz is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0


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