TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Since 09′

Having known LRobinson22 since we were kids, she is a one-of-a-kind farm girl. She enjoys spending time outside and going to the fairs around the area. Her avatar reflects this. The avatar stands for her love of fairs, steers, fishing, and hunting. LRobinson22 occasionally will go out to Dunkin’ Donuts before school, making sure to always get a Dunkin’ Refresher. Most of the time she’s rocking cowgirl boots and giving you all of her sass. She has a bright and funny personality that is quite likeable, but she is also not ashamed to speak bluntly, yet truthfully.

The reason her avatar grabbed my attention is because of the awesome yoke in the middle. A yoke is, “what I use to hook my cattle together” LRobinson22 stated. Showing her steers and or working her steers is a big part of LRobinson22’s life. Therefore, it makes a strong appearance directly in the middle of the avatar. My avatar has a little less life to it. I thoroughly enjoy being on the water oftentimes heading North to my camp, so my avatar is a little different. Although similar to LRobinson22, I also enjoy being outside.We are different so our avatars reflect that. In regards to comparisons, we have a lot in common. Not so much in the avatars, but outside of them. 

I believe our processes were a little bit of the same, basically picking what meant the most to us, and going ahead from there. We both have an avatar that has more of an outdoor vibe. We both have common interests and the avatar just goes along with what we like. My process was to just list the things that mean the most to me and what I enjoy doing. LRobinson22’s was the same. Like I stated earlier, her steers and the fairs make up a lot of her time, and she is very committed to them. Any hobbies that we’ve developed over time or even just recently, made up our avatars. 

While creating her avatar, she mostly looked at what consumed most of her time and looked at what she enjoyed most. Almost all of these attributes have played a role in LRobinson22’s life since she was young. Her steers have been one of the biggest parts of her life, as she is always getting new calves every year and making them into great pairs of teams over the years. The fair is also a part of her avatar, dedicated to her work and efforts with her teams. Fishing and hunting she would say is, “a family tradition between my grandfather(s), my dad and brother.”  Another asset to her success would be her 4H Club, which she also included in the avatar. The 4 leaf clover stands for, “head, heart, hands and heath.” She chose green to represent 4H club because that is the color of the clover.  She also chose the color orange to represent her love for hunting. Overall, LRobinson22’s avatar greatly reflects her as a person who enjoys to fish, hunt, work her steers, go to fairs and has fun doing so. 

“balloons” by Ilario 1979 is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0


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