TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Everlasting Fun, An Introduction to MBegin22

There are not many people that you will remember after you meet them for the first time. However, Mbegin22 leaves a lasting impression. From her love for her two dogs all the way to her collection of four sombreros and an authentic cowboy hat; she is a unique character. Mbegin22 has a free personality that portrays laughter, fun and good times. She loves goofing off with her friends and wearing one of her four sombreros for a night out on the town. 

When creating an avatar Mbegin22 went with what made her the happiest, having fun. Every word and symbol on her paper in one way or another would be traced back to her fun, free personality. She never second-guessed an element on her flag as they all spoke to her. When I asked Mbegin22 why she did not create options for her flag she explained, “I did not make another avatar because I like how the first one made me feel ”.  Mbegin22’s first and only flag has a white background with a thick stripe of purple led horizontally through the middle. The purple stripe was created as it is her favorite color, she believes the color is pretty and gives her a sense of happiness. In the center of the purple stripe is a yellow face, upon that face is a smile. The smiley face is important because of what it has on its head. A red sombrero sits steadily on the head representing Mbegin22’s ever so famous hat collection. The red color is used as a symbol of warm weather, vacation and good times. Overall, Mbegin22 choose her symbols as a way to express her playfulness and positive outlooks on life. 

Like most people Mbegin22 dislikes the feeling of being downhearted or sad. Her mindset when creating this avatar was to piece together things that brighten her day to make a masterpiece she loves. Not all people will get enjoyment from this piece, but she created it for herself with things in her daily life that she could not live without. Happiness is how she envisioned her avatar to portray. With this she knew she wanted bold, expressive colors like yellow, purple and red. Yellow, the color of the sun, brings a warm, bright, inviting feeling as it grabs the attention of anyone looking at it. While purple (her favorite color) brings a sense of power. I asked why she put the sombrero red instead of purple, her response was, “I didn’t make my sombrero purple because I wanted my favorite color to show more”. After she said this it then clicked. This power the purple stripe has follows through as a meaning that she has the power to take control of her mental health. Red is the color that brings her back to many of her trips out of the country. The feeling of the warm Jamaican air, with the bright red-orange sunsets across the white sand beaches makes her feel relaxed and content. 

Mbegin22 is an eccentric person, she finds enjoyment in the simple things in life. This includes wearing sombreros at any occasion possible. Do not even get me started with her “emergency sombrero” she has in the back of her car. The symbol that expels happiness by first glance is her smiley face wearing a sombrero. Her inspiration for this thrilling figure “is from me wearing a sombrero and feeling the same (Mbegin22)”. She drew up a character that would have the same excitement when wearing a sombrero. A happy, yellow, smiling guy that is just there for a good time. 

When it came to the thought process of Mbegin22 she seemed to stick with a common theme of fun. I, however, ventured in a different direction. I choose to do random things in my life that do not necessarily make me happy, but also represent who I am. My cross in the middle of my flag was to represent medical/care giving as I am a C.N.A. The color purple in my flag represents adventure. I used purple for that color as purple reminds me of mountains which I like to ski and hike on. Mbegin22 took out the things that make her life exciting and created them into a fun-themed flag while mine was more random. With that said, MBegin22 and I created our flags with a mix of colors and symbols that represent our lives. Each thing on our avatars has a meaning and tells its own story. Similar to hers I also have my main symbol located in the center of my flag. We both used a center approach to exclaim how important each one of those elements are in our lives. 

My first look at Mbegin22’s avatar, the sombrero stuck out to me right away. From the bright color of red to the uniqueness of a sombrero. I personally would never have thought of a crazy hat to represent fun. With this I asked Mbegin22 how she came up with the funky idea, she answered, “My inspiration for a smiley face wearing a sombrero is from me wearing a sombrero and feeling the same way”. With a sombrero Mbegin22 feels joyful, she feels confident. The sombrero is her sense of joy which is why she created such an eccentric piece that is likely to grab anyone’s attention. Mbegin22 is a very creative, fun soul that is someone you will never forget. 

“Sombrerro.” by KrashbandyKay… is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Avatar by MBegin22


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