Gchessie22 is an individual you won’t be afraid to talk to or be friends with. She has a fun personality and doesn’t give a second thought to what other people think of her. She loves her 2 dogs, one a little more than the other. She is a 3 sport athlete who is very good at every sport she does. She works hard in every aspect of her life, and when she’s not doing school or sports Gchessie22 works as a CNA at a nursing home with a true passion for being in the medical field and caring for others.

In making her avatar, Gchessie22 included aspects of her life that were important to her. She included various colors, such as purple and yellow. To her, the purple stood for adventure and she related it to how people draw mountains purple in most pictures. Yellow stood for mac n’ cheese, which is her favorite food. Upon first glance, I thought yellow stood for a bigger concept. She tells me, “Mac n’ cheese is my comfort food and makes me happy when I eat it.”. I really liked the simplicity behind the color, because it is important to her while at the same time not having to be an elaborate concept. After a few different ideas, she finally decided on the design which best represented her. Gchessie loves her dog Daisy the most, so she drew a daisy flower to represent her. When I noticed she had a few rough drafts with a paw print drawn, I wondered why she chose not to include it in her final draft. Her response was “I found that a daisy was prettier while also representing my dog.” I like how she took into consideration the visually appealing aspect while at the same time being able to incorporate her main ideas. When choosing another main symbol, she told me that being in the medical field was very important to her, so she drew a medical cross to represent how prevalent it is in her daily life. When asking her why she chose to make her medical cross yellow, she said “I wanted a way to make my avatar simple while also incorporating more things important to me.” The yellow really pops out in contrast to the purple, and I think she did a good job making it visually appealing.
I found it interesting how we both incorporated purple and yellow colors but have completely different meanings to them. I chose to make my purple to stand for strength and taking control of things that matter to me, and yellow for happiness because that is one of my highest priorities. Our main symbols are also different; mine being a smiley face with a sombrero and hers being a daisy. We chose to make those the focal point of our pieces because they are both extremely valued in our lives.
Although both Gchessie and I’s avatars are completely different, they stand for one thing; elements of our lives that are important to us. What makes her happy is different from what makes me happy, but at the end of the day, happiness is the main goal for both of us. When you truly think about it, we are all striving for the same idea but have different ways to do so. I enjoyed getting to know Gchessie a little better and gaining perspective on what’s important to other people.
Featured Image: “Purple Mountains” by atkinson000 is licensed under CC BY 2.0
Avatar by Gchessie22