Minecraft has affected the lives of many. Anyone of any age can play and enjoy it. It’s diversity to apply to any demographic allows it to consistently thrive as the years go on. It’s ever changing and new content is always available. Thousands of hours of content right at the fingertips of anyone who wishes to explore the wonder that is Minecraft. It has been a staple of gaming for years. Nearly everyone knows of it.
My partner created an avatar to represent their favorite things. “I wanted my avatar to be my own creation and not a compilation of things I just like.” My partner is nstillings22. My partner’s avatar consists of a horizontally split, green and brown background with a small, blue box in the center. Combined with that, there is an arrow going through the box vertically.

Their avatar is extremely easy to recognize as the specific colors and how the shapes are arranged allow you to make an easy guess on what their avatar is made around. Their avatar grabs your attention because it is themed around a popular video game, Minecraft. “Minecraft is one of my favorite games.” Most people see a horizontally split cube with green on top and brown on the bottom and immediately associate it with Minecraft.
My partner and I’s avatar creating processes were quite different. My partner used extreme simplicity, “I wanted to keep it super simple.” Whereas I attempted to create an avatar with slightly more elaboration. I tried to keep my avatar simple as well but also have it contain enough symbols.
“Minecraft Grass” by Filter Forge is licensed under CC BY 2.0