Freshly drawn Sky blue clouds above a light blue infinite sign above a green wisp that goes from dark green on the left to bright green on the right and on the left and right grey chains are hanging to the sides of everything drawn on crisp white paper. Almost everything in this avatar is simple and has meant adding a layer of intricacy to the simplicity of it and giving it more depth than just simple drawings on a piece of paper and giving it meaning behind it. Now, this may seem all planned out but it wasn’t. Nboone22 thought this was completely arbitrary but it worked well and allowed for that depth from something random. Now of course you may be thinking-why was it all so random, what’s the point of doing that-and well I did the same exact thing and it comes down to that’s where the fun is being sporadic and random about it while still giving meaning to something so simple, I should know, its the same thing I did.
The symbols in nboone22s avatar may seem weird to be together for the most part. But with their meaning it makes sense and when I asked him what the reasoning for the symbols was he said, “they represent most important things in my life”, Which makes sense why he would put them as his symbols and they have meaning even if they seem random and build on layers of symbolism and intricacy.
Now, what’s the point in knowing the reason he picked all these symbols without knowing what they represent and well there isn’t really one so, First is the fluffy light sky blue cloud suspended in the upper center of the picture above the infinite symbol and the-wisp. The cloud the avatar represents nboone22s parents looking over him.
Next is the light blue infinite sign sitting in the middle of the picture surrounded by all of its counterparts in the image. The infinite symbol is meant to represent nboone22s girlfriend and how they will be together forever. This gives more meaning to just the avatar than just the normal one it shows and allows for more depth and layer to the avatar.
The third is the green wisp which represents snowboarding and being free but still being kept grounded. A green wisp typically represents something along the line of freedom or going with the flow and separation for material things, but in this case, it is slightly different for nboone22 but still has similarities. For him, it is snowboarding and how it gives him the feeling of freedom but still grounded.

Last but certainly not least is the grey chains draping down from the top sides of the picture dangling on either side of its fellow objects in the picture. The chains represent nboone22s friends and how he is bonded to him like they are a part of him, interlocking them together and never going to break away. Now personally I also believe that this is also the most eye-catching piece of nboone22s avatar because it for one takes up the most space, but also because of the color, placement, and what it is. The color is just grey compared to the green wisp, white background, and blue cloud. It stands out where typically it might blend in a lot of the time, whereas here the color causes it to stand out. Now the most eye-catching thing about the chains I think is the placement on the left and right sides of the avatar. Now this confused me why he put the chains where he did and so I asked him just that and he said “it’s where I ended up liking them and just threw them there” which sounds like him from his planning of how his avatar was designed in the first place.
Now at this point, I was wondering why he chose what he did for his symbols to represent the most important things in his life so I had to ask why. And he said, “that’s just what came out of it, it’s what came to mind and how it came out not much of this was really planned at all really” now this is where I got really interested because at this point I saw a glimpse into nboone22’s mind and saw how he was thinking at that moment and how that he wanted to not make a plan and go with whatever seemed right to him which could be considered a plan in its own right, but by doing what he did allowed him to be as creative or simplistic as needed to do what he thought would best represent him.
Featured image:“Old ski Hill” by LassenNPS is licensed under CC BY 2.0
avatar by Nboone22