TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Galactic Rock and Roll

My partner mfesseden22 created an avatar about the things he loves or hobbies that he has. This avatar was a picture of the ocean, but it was more than just the ocean at night. It was full of cool aspects and surprising meanings about his life. This avatar is a big picture of the ocean at night, the ocean (which is a nice dark blue) covering the bottom third of the picture and black nothingness covering the top two-thirds.

Let’s start out with the bottom of the avatar. There is a nice calm blue ocean with a single stick floating in the water. This represents his love for whittling, “I love to do it in his spare time.” He has made many projects. Now moving to the top of the avatar there is a big luminous star shining brightly over top. This is representing star wars. “I love all the movies but think the 3rd movie out of the prequels is the best out of them.” I can agree with that statement. To the left of the avatar, there is a Pokeball-like asteroid coming down to crash into the ocean. This has actually two meanings in one, “it is a Pokeball for pokemon but also an asteroid for rock and roll.” Considering the rocks stand for rock and roll and the Pokeball stands for pokemon.

There were many things that surprised me about this picture, if I had to pick two things though it would have to be, Space. I thought it would be about Nothingness or the planets and his love for astrology. This actually represented Star Wars. I also love Star Wars, I have been watching it since I was born. My Nana and Grampy have every single movie in order on the movie shelf. Secondly was the stick, not many people widdle nowadays especially kids my age. It’s nice to see somebody grounded with the environment and not be sucked into the online world.

Compare and contrasting our techniques and processes was kind of hard because we both approached this in the same manner. We both went with our hobbies/ things we love to do, and we eventually got enough ideas and threw them all together. The only thing I can say we had different was the ideas we had. Mine was very family and friends oriented, I had some hobbies just not as many as him.


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