TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Going into nature, an Introduction to Jstrout22

User JStrout22 made an avatar that really stood out to me. It resembles her love for nature and the outdoors. The avatar has a circle with a big tree with lots of branches in the center. Falling off the tree there are raindrops. The tree represents her enjoyment and appreciation for nature. The raindrops are meant to act as her enjoyment for outdoor water activities. I feel JStrout22’s avatar really fits her.

What really grabbed my attention about Jstrout22’s avatar was that it was very unique and simple to understand. She says, “It contains elements of nature” When I first saw her avatar I could tell it was something to do with earth or nature because of the colors and the tree. What really surprised me about Jstrout’s avatar was that I did not think that she’d be the outdoorsy type of person, but after seeing her avatar and talking with her about it I realized that she actually really enjoys being around nature more than being inside. 

From what Jstrout22 has told me, the process of making her avatar was a trial and error. She tried many different designs and colors but she finally decided on the one that she felt showed “what is most important” to her. Jstrout says, “I wanted to create something that stood out.” and she did a great job at that. Looking at the tree, you wouldn’t think that part of its meaning is her love for outdoor activities. According to her, these activities include “hiking, camping and biking”. You would think that the raindrops just mean she likes rain, which is true, but it also represents her enjoyment for swimming and kayaking. I think she did a great job at representing that in a simple but unique way. 

My partner, Jstrout22 and I had similar processes when creating our avatars. We both created something that represented who we are. Hers was nature and mine was water. We both love and enjoy different things but we both had an end result and it was to make something that symbolizes us as people, and we both succeeded.

“Forest near Vřesina” by Jiri Brozovsky is licensed under CC BY 2.0


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