My partner Theath22 is a very interesting man with a very interesting avatar. His avatar has three colors in the background as well as a central symbol that grabs your attention. These symbols all mean different things that are important to Theath22, there are a total of 4 of them. All these things the symbols represent are all things that he uses on a daily basis and all are things he enjoys doing with friends or by himself.

The first symbol is the color red and this represents the game valorant. Valorant is a tactical first-person shooter where The reason this was one of his symbols is that as he states “It’s a game I enjoy playing with friends.”.
His next symbol is the color blue. The reason for this being a symbol is that it represents the internet which is important to him because it keeps him sane and he uses it to talk to people and to play games with friends. Another symbol that shares this meaning which is the globe in the middle of the avatar. He also says that “It kept me sane when I was at home all last year…”.
The next symbol is the color green. This symbol represents the game Valhiem. The significance of this game is that it’s his favorite survival game to play and because of its themes of Norse mythology which one of his favorite things is mythology in general.
His final symbol on his avatar is a controller. This symbol represents gaming which is “A hobby I’ve had for a long time and that I’ve enjoyed doing with my friends.” Theath22 has been playing video games since he was a kid and still enjoys playing video games to this day.
“Xbox One Controller” by mastermaq is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0