TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Plane of serenity

My partner, MGarand22’s avatar was very true to her. It includes a pale yellow background. In the foreground there is a plane flying. The color of the plane is a yellowish green color. In the pilot’s seat is MGarands cat. On the side of the plane there is a logo of a flower. One part of MGarands avatar that caught my eye was how MGarands cat is flying the plane. I thought that was cute, and funny.

In this avatar the yellow background stands for mindfulness, MGarand chose yellow because it is a calm and peaceful color for her. The plane stands for traveling, as Mgarand used to live in Wisconsin, traveling there is very important in seeing her friends. The plane is the color green to represent money. To MGarand money is very important, because Garand works so hard to earn her money, that she’s proud of the money she makes. The flower on the side of the plane represents Mgarands love for nature and being outside. MGarand chose to have her cat flying the plane to show how he is an important part of her life. MGarand chose to represent him with his head being shown in the front of the plane.


Our avatars have a few things in common, Mgarands avatar and mine both use the color green. While the green I used was brighter and more vibrant, MGarands was more dull. The green in both of our avatars stands for money and to me that represents we both are driven. We both used somewhat of a shade of yellow. MGarand used yellow to represent mindfulness and I used gold in my avatar to represent truth.  

When talking to Mgarand about her avatar I had a few questions. One question I asked was why mindfulness is important to her “Mindfulness is important to me because if my mind is clear I can focus better”. Another question I had for Garand was why nature is important to her “To me nature is just very pretty, and interesting because of all the different types of plants”. I find it interesting that Garand likes nature because of how fascinating and complex it can be. The last question I asked MGarand was why her cat is so important “When I moved back to Maine my mom got me a cat, and since I didn’t go to school in person he became one of the few people I would see”. 

“Money” by superstrikertwo is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0


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