TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

It’s a Team Game

During a football game I got upset and yelled at one of my teammates for a mistake that they made during a play which could have resulted in a touchdown but instead resulted in a bigger mistake I made and had to learn from for us to come out with the win. During the football at Lisbon High School, we were down 6-0 in the second quarter of the game and we were driving down the field . It was hot and the gear/ uniforms were very tight and sweaty. I was not feeling well during the game due to the heat. I caught a pass from our QB and was running up the field. There was a defender about 10 yards in front of me with a teammate also next to the defender. As I was running toward them, my teammate was not blocking him for me to score so I saw that I got upset. It then resulted in me fumbling the ball and Lisbon getting the ball back. I then proceeded to yell at my teammate for that without realizing I am actually the cause that they got the ball back and had a chance to score. I was hot, angry, and very annoyed that this happened during a very close football game against our rival.

After realizing how bad of a team captain, leader, and teammate I was being towards this player, I went up to him and apologized for being such a bad teammate. I understood how yelling at him would not help him or get the play back so I said I was sorry and said that it was my fault for fumbling and we are going to go win this game since we had a whole other half to play. He forgave me and we went out and played well and got a stop for our offense to get the ball back. Later in the game I was running the football and my teammate blocked for me to get space and I ran for a 50 yard touchdown to take the lead 18-13. I approached the teammate and recognized his good play and thanked him for his help on the score to take the lead in the game.

I learned from my mistake to not approach a teammate like that for it to result in bad plays and to encourage them instead of putting them down in situations like that. I learned that being a positive teammate is a lot stronger than being a rude and negative one. Being a leader on the field means helping people get better and encouraging them to play well not putting them down if they do a bad job. We won the game 24-13 against our biggest rival and our first win on season and we have gotten better since then and we will keep working until we come out on top.

“Football Field” by danxoneil is licensed under CC BY 2.0


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