TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


Have you ever just felt like being lazy and not want to do anything? Well that’s what Mgoucher22 thought too. Only she was wrong. Mgoucher22 worked at a daycare for her first job, little did she know she would hate it. When her time had come at the daycare she decided it was time to switch it up. She was going to work at a fast food place. She ended up getting the job on the spot and worked the following week. It seemed like a pretty easy job, easy money. She quickly got the hang of it and before she knew it she knew everything about the job. Fast forward some time Mgoucher22 had made some friends there, and it was a job that she truly didn’t mind. Wasn’t hard or stressful and made time pass quickly, but Mgoucher22 got into this slump, she didn’t really care to learn anymore. She would go to the job and work the absolute bare minimum. Until her boss ended up cutting her hours into more than half, that’s when Mgoucher22 new she needed to change.

Mgoucher22 needed money fast, she was quickly running out of what she had in her savings. She was about to buy her first car, and she had big purchases coming up. She brought her hours up to her boss. Her boss simply said, “you are trying hard enough, I know you’re better than this you just need to apply it”. Mgoucher22 knew that was true, she was a hard worker who had amazing work ethic. She just didn’t know where it had gone. Her boss told her ” when I see a change in you I’ll give you your hours back”. So from then on that was Mgoucher22’s top priority. Every day she worked she would try to learn something new. She learned new skills and had better customer service. Mgoucher22 worked tirelessly and dealt with her punishments. Many days were defeating because she couldn’t learn what she wanted to. She would beg for help and most wouldn’t bother giving it to her, but eventually she decided if no one would teach her she would learn on her own. She pushed herself to learn everything possible with herself as the teacher, then she finally did it.

One of the many following weeks Mgoucher22 looked at the newest schedule and noticed her hours were back to normal. She had done it, she worked her butt off to finally get what she deserved. Mgoucher22 went to her boss thanking her, her boss then saying “hey, you have no one to thank but yourself”. Mgoucher22 had let herself go; she knew she had an amazing work ethic, she just didn’t know where it had gone. She did it, she did everything possible to become the old Mgoucher22 She had finally felt like herself and she was proud of herself. She knew she had it in her; it just went to show Mgoucher22 that if you put your mind to anything and work hard for it, you can get what you want. Good things come from hard work, and ever since then Mgoucher22 knows that. She has now been promoted and one of the highest paid at her place of work. She worked hard, and got what she deserved.

“Clock” by Earls37a is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0


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