TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

You Just Have To Wait

Patience is something that I have struggled with for most of my life. This story is about me, some teenage guy who just had a bad hand dealt to him. I have had many ups and downs that caused me to learn patience, I have had many low points that helped me learn to be more patient. Many tribulations have occurred throughout my life that I have had to use that skill in. My life is not a life that other people would choose if it was held up with a handful of others. I have lost both of my parents and I am currently a minor living unaccompanied. Because of this, I did not have a very good head start in life. One very important person to me was my father. He was a very wise man who was very patient with me when I was little. I was very happy, but I didn’t know much patience yet. My father was just starting to teach me important things when he was diagnosed with cancer. I was fourteen when this happened. Many things I would have learned a couple of years ago, I am just learning now. I struggled with loneliness, coming home to an empty house every night is not the best thing. I knew that if I was patient though, one day I could solve those problems. When I was fifteen, my father died and my sister moved in with my mother. I was living on my own and working at a grocery store to feed myself. I was struggling and patience was slipping from me. I was at a very low point in my life, I was depressed and not reaching out to my friends. My daily schedule was to go to school, then to work and then home. It was becoming very hard to see my future, I never gave up on it but it was hard. I had to learn to be patient, I had to learn that if I waited long enough an opportunity would arise.

At the end of this summer everything changed for me. I met my current girlfriend who I now live with, she is sweet, supporting and very upbeat, and most of all she helps me to not feel so lonely anymore. A couple of months after meeting her I received a job offer in the field I want to work in, which is the automotive field. Within a couple of months my life had changed, I had people in my life to help me and I had a job that paid well and was something I enjoy. I want to say that I never thought it would  happen, but I did know that I just had to wait.  I no longer go home to an empty home and now I feel that I have more purpose than just going to work and then going home. Today I have found that when things do not go as planned I can handle it very well because of the patience I have learned.

Picture Citation : “Clock” by Simon Shek is licensed under CC BY 2.0


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