TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Monetized media

I think it’s safe to say that Social media has become a big part of everyday life. First of all what is social media? The main social media apps right now include things like instagram, twitter, and facebook and what they are is basically a public communication platform where you can say or post anything you want and the whole world can see it. Whether its a former president or just an everyday person, people are contently uploading posts to social media 24/7.

Many people believe that because of reasons such as it allows people to come together more as a community, education, and sometimes it’s just funny and made for a good laugh. If someone plainly told you the reasons I’ve listed above a reasonable person would probably agree it’s a good thing. Although I believe the idea behind social media is the right one I don’t think they are doing it in the right way.

What many people don’t seem to relize is now more than ever social media is being very monitized. This means that the owners of the company have the right to delete certian things they don’t like and even band people if they consistently say things that go against their personal beliefs. Our former President of The United States is a great example of how this has happend. Twitter banded Donald J.Trump for tweeting out controversal political posts that went agaisnt the left political party. Meanwhile the Talaban have a verified twitter acount. This just shows how the owners of twitter unjustly banned Trump just because they didn’t like him. I feel like this is one of the best examples of how social medias are abusing their powers to manipulate our population. With social media being the biggest way of worldwide communication now, it’s a serious problem if we are only being fed information that the owners of these companies want us to hear while they hide or ignore all the other facts which go agaisnt them.

All together I think the idea of social media is a great one but only if the owners of them value free speech and don’t target people for simply voicing their opinion on a matter.


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