TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The 4 of Us

The 4 of us is a term I am going to use to describe my 3 best friends and me. We have been close for a long time and have always had lots of fun and make lots of memories every single time we hang out. I have been friends with one friend for 16 years, one friend for 13, and the other for almost 10 years. So, we have all been close and been best friends for a very long time. None of us are ever perfect and we argue and even fight sometimes. Only one actual fistfight has happened, however. We mutually agreed to no face shots, but everywhere else was free game. We argue and fight but we always figure it out and move on. The times where we laugh and are having fun, heavily outweigh the times where we are fighting and arguing. There have been so many memories where I look back and would just like to go back to that moment. One of us 4 went to college so we haven’t hung out as much as we would like, but we still try to hang out when we all can. We sometimes pick on each other and make fun, but it is all in good spirit and none of us actually mean it. Whatever we do, we always have fun and make the most of it. Laughter and fun has been a very important part of our group.

There have been many many memories over the years but a few sit vividly in my mind. We were all hanging out at one of ours houses and it was late-ish like 10-11 at night. We were sitting there bored and we decided to go ding dong ditching. Whether that was a good idea or not is a different story. So, we had been ding dong ditching for probably about an hour when we got to this one house. Where the door was located to the road was a long run after we knocked on the door, so we decided to knock on a window. Right as one of us was going to knock on the window, someone walks into the room where the window was and turns on the light. The person in the house sees us next to the window, so we run as fast as we can. We start sprinting down the road and we think we are enough distance from the house to start walking instead of running. We hear a truck start from the same house we were just at. So we start sprinting down the road again. We finally reach the end of the road and the truck is slowly approaching us. There was a deep ditch to the left of us, but it was pitch black so we had no idea what was in the ditch. One of us made the decision to just jump in the ditch because it was better than getting seen or caught by the truck. It turned out there was nothing in the ditch except poison ivy. Only one of us 4 got poison ivy, though. We ended up not getting caught by the truck, but as we were getting out of the ditch, another car was coming. So, we start sprinting back up the road. I trip on a rock or a depression in the road or something in the road. But, I kind of saved myself because I did a somersault in mid-air and landed on my back where I quickly got back on my feet. We did not end up getting caught and we got back to the house safe and sound.

My point of that story is that it was a memory I will always remember. I will probably remember it because it was stupid but it was fun and funny. We all got back to the house and started laughing and talking about how fun that was. The 4 of us were just some young, dumb kids who wanted to do something stupid, but we ended up making an awesome memory from it. It was definitely a great laugh. Instead of the saying, “Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.” Our saying is, “Laughter is the shortest distance between four people.” That moment really was fun and funny and something we will all remember.

“Numerology Number 4” by hiddennumerology is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0


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