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The Effect of Social Media

As the years go on, social media begins to grow. Since way back people have found ways to communicate with each other before social media and electricity. This could include letters, can and string, and even a human messenger. Since then our ways of communication have changed and developed a lot. After all of this, electricity was discovered and put to use and phones were eventually invented. Even with the phones that were invited for many years all that they could be used for were phone calls. All of this has led up to the inventions we have today which has led to the creations of social media.Social media is a very controversial topic. It can be used for a lot of good but also a lot of bad. Although a lot of people use social media, not everyone likes it or thinks it is good to use.

There are a lot of reasons why people don’t use or like social media. In high school especially, online bullying can happen a lot. Rumors, pictures, and videos of someone can so easily be spread and can ruin a person’s life. Another bad thing about social media is the pop ups that show up like false advertising and click bait which shows up all of the time. This can include inappropriate images and scam websites that can steal money and information.

Although there are some bad things about social media, the good outweighs it by a lot. Social media allows us to communicate with loved ones who might live far away or even ones who live right down the street. Someone might say that social media isn’t needed for communication because phones allow us to call and face time but the difference is that social media is free and phone plans are not. Social media allows us entertainment and helps us make new connections and find people with similar interests. One of the greatest things about social media is all of the new things that it allows people to find and all of the creative accounts that show people accomplishments and interests. Seeing other people’s accomplishments can persuade and motivate others to do the same and reach for their goals. Seeing people’s interests can open people up to new ideas, places, and activities that they might also enjoy. Discovering talents and interests is a big part in becoming individual and unique people and can help young adults discover future careers. Finding interests and talents can also help people find an outlet, stress reliever, and coping mechanism.

“Painter Paint Artist Brush Tool Edited 2020” by chimpwithcan is licensed under CC BY 2.0


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