TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Why Social Media is Good for Teens

People tend to ask the question is social media ruining things for our kids and the future? The answer to that is no, a lot of good has come from social media from teens meeting friends to teens making money on social media. Social media is beneficial for teens and an effective way for teens to cope with certain problems going on in their lives. Teens make friends on social media. While it may not be the best way to meet new people because of fake profiles and all that, a lot of teens meet their best and lifelong friends due to social media, so social media is a good thing.

Teens having social media could be good for their mental health because they have friends on social media that they may not have in real life, which makes social media good for those kids so they have someone to go to talk about issues. For teens, this is good because some teens struggle to make friends at school or in the real world so they go on social media and make friends and it is a way for them to cope with issues and be able to have someone to go to.

The opposing side might say something like it is dangerous for teens to meet people online. They might say that the person could be a predator or someone that is not real just trying to get close to you. While that is true and could happen, teens nowadays are not dumb and they can realize if someone is real or fake, young or old, predator or not, very quickly because this generation has grown up with social media all their lives so the know-how to spot something bad if it is going to happen.

Social media is also beneficial for teens because more and more teens have found more and more ways to make money with social media. Like Charli D’amelio, for example, she is a teenager who has tik tok which is a form of social media and she became popular and famous with millions of followers and now she is making quite a bit of money from jus social media. Social media will only keep making more and more options for kids and teens to make money off of just staying at home safe. Which more and more teens are doing now and it is the safest way to make money from also doing something you enjoy. This is why social media can be a great way for teens to interact with other teens and make money from doing stuff they enjoy

“Social Media Tools” by jrhode is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0


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