TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Is Social Media a Good Thing?

Is social media a good thing? I believe that social media can be both good and bad. There are both positives and negatives when it comes to social media. Considering all the aspects of social media, I am on a ledge between good and bad- but I lean towards bad. I feel that social media can have an addictive habit to it. Social media makes it hard for people to have real life social interaction. Social can be found on any electronics so people can be on it anywhere on basically anything too.

A negative to social media is that it can be extremely addictive. Bad habits are created of constantly checking social media, texts, and other forms of communication. It can be both addictive physically and psychologically. A Harvard study shows that a social media lights up the same part of the brain that ignites when taking an addictive substance. Social media has a decrease in social face to face interaction. The little amount of social interaction can lead to many mental health problems, especially with people who have difficulty interpreting tone and language. It is very easy for people to talk through a screen instead of face to face and I feel that it has a negative impact on society. Unfortunately, social media can lead to cyberbullying as well. Many people can say hurtful things online because it is very easy to make it look like someone else is doing it or it can be anonymous. People don’t want to anyone to know it was them so they do it anonymously through social media.

Social media can be good sometimes for a few reasons. Electronics and social media can help get information to people quickly. For example, if an important piece of news needed to be spreaded, social media is great for delivering that to multiple people at once, instead of catching whoever is watching the news at 6. Virtually on social media, if you want someone to hear a story about you or a story you have read, you can count on the hundreds of people scrolling through their feed to like, comment, and a lot of times even share. Another positive of social media is being able to have group texts and group calls/facetimes help be able to talk to more than one person when not physically present with them. A lot of the times it is hard to get all of your friends free at once. Facetiming or making a group chat with all of them reduces frustration of planning weeks ahead of time, and it creates a solution for finding free time. Communication is easier online since you do not have to travel to contact someone. Meeting new people is extremely easy virtually because of the innovation of social media. Social media includes people throughout the entire world, which includes many different cultures and perspectives. Social media can lead to discovery of new friends and acquaintances that are available virtually at any time of the day, deliverable through the several different apps.

“Automotive Social Media Marketing” by socialautomotive is licensed under CC BY 2.0


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