TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The ADvent of the Internet

The practice of targeted advertisement has only been able to form because of the internet and the ability for people to collect your data through what you google and what web pages you go on. For me the ads I see while all social media consists of mostly anime and gaming content. These ads are very accurate for me because that’s the type of content I consume the most while using the internet. But there are plenty of ads that are very inaccurate because I share an internet connection with a lot of people in my house.

Whenever I see targeted ads on my youtube or other social media, The kind I see all the time is for games or anime-related things. The reason this happens is that I watch and look up stuff relating to a game it remembers that and then ads for mobile games and other titles like the Sims appear while I’m using social media. The same is true for why anime ads appear for me because I primarily watch anime for tv, my favorite show of all time is Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure which is an anime. So because I watch and read a lot of anime and manga I see ads for new shows or for other stuff relating to it. Something Interesting about targeted ads is sometimes two subjects mix so I’ll see ads for a game with an anime art style.

The one problem with targeted ads is that they can pull sometimes from everyone who uses a connection. The reason this is a flaw is that you could get an ad for something that you have no interest in ever buying or looking at. An example of this for me is whenever I see clothes for women because my mom and sister use the same internet connection as me. This is a waste of money for the advertiser because they could be advertising to me new games for me to check out or new shows to be watching, but instead, I see an ad for a dress. This also affects my family members too because they get ads for my interests while I get ads for their interests.

So in conclusion, the use of targeted ads is a very good tool for advertisers and businesses to get sales to people based on what they interact with on the internet. Combining the fact that everyone uses some form of social media they are able to reach more people than they ever could before. But the negative is because people who use the same internet consistently can cause ads to appear on other people’s social media feeds which can waste a lot of money advertising to the wrong person.

“Binary code” by Christiaan Colen is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0


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