TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Procrastinating is a Mistake.

During highschool, students get assigned a lot of work, to the point where it can get very overwhelming. Over 86% of highschool students turn in their assignments late and push it off to the last second. Which leads me to a mistake I have made, which is procrastinating school work. I get a deadline for my work and think I have all the time in the world to get it done and passed in. When in reality, deadlines come way faster then you think when you keep pushing it off till the last second. Most highschoolers push off their work until its due because of how heavy the work load can be. And we all realize that we made the mistake of procrastinating as soon as it comes to the end of the due date, semester, quarter, ect. Procrastinating becomes a really bad habit after a while and the first time you make the mistake of doing it, it’s hard not to do it again.

I’m still learning from this mistake because I still procrastinate my school work, but a goal of mine is to stay caught up for my last semester of highschool. It may be difficult and stressful but I’ve learned that procrastinating and pushing off school work, will eventually only makes it harder. A couple things that could motivate me to not make this mistake again is that I can’t do this in college and if I do, I will fail. This is my last ever semester of highschool so I might as well just push through and make it as least stressful as I can by doing my work and passing it in when it’s due. Lastly another reason to stop making this mistake is that it’s just genuinely a bad habit to get in to, once you start procrastinating one thing, you do it to the next and it becomes a long cycle of doing nothing and being stressed out. In conclusion, I have made this mistakes too many times and I am learning from it, so now I have set a goal for myself to stop because it makes things more stressful for me.

“The four capital mistakes of open source” by opensourceway is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit


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