TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


One of the times in my life where I have laughed my butt off, was when me and my family had gotten a new couch for our basement. We had family over, and we just asked our cousins to help us with the couch. I had gone up to my room to change into warmer clothes because it was winter time. I was up in my room and I heard mumbling outside. I then rolled up my blinds and opened the window.

I saw my cousins and my step brother carrying the couch down the hill on the side of the house, down to the basement. This is during winter time so there’s ice and snow on the ground. As they were turning the corner around the house, one of them slipped, and next thing I know they all were sliding down to the bottom of the hill with the couch. My step brother tried to keep his balance, but slipped and fell on his knees. And my cousins boyfriend at the time was helping, and he slipped and landed right on his back and it looked very painful. The rest of my family is outside watching all of this go down. As soon as they started moving and slipping, we couldn’t do nothing but laugh.

It was so funny, all of us were laughing for a solid 5 minutes over it. It brought smiles to everyone’s face and everyone was making jokes over it. This is a story of a time when laughter occurred in my life.


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