TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Seal of Friendship

Laughter, an important part of one’s friendship with another, here’s my story of how laughter sealed the deal of friendship. So once upon a time when I was in 7th grade I played this game called Ark Survival Evolved with my friends. A typical survival game that revolved around surviving with dinosaurs. With this game comes one of my funniest gaming stories I have to offer, and I’ll try my best to explain “the funny” but of course you just had to be there to fully understand it.

It was the middle of my 7th grade year in middle school and me and my friends (lets just call them friend 1 and friend 2) were playing Ark on server 420. We had a base set up on a place called Herbivore Island, and I had just tamed a big, fat, stubby pig looking creature called a Phiomia. As I’m putting on a saddle for my pig friend, friend 1 comes up behind me with a newly crafted longneck rifle and decides it would be funny to shoot me in the foot. This of course makes skittish 7th grade me go into panic mode. So I jumped on my pig friend and started frantically running for my life while screaming “ESCAPE! ESCAAAAAAAPE!” in PURE terror with my squeaky 7th grade voice, while going a WHOPPING 2mph on my derpy pig looking creature into the sunset. The sudden chaos and the angle my other friend 2 was watching this unwind, was enough to get him to start laughing uncontrollably and because friend 2 had such an infectious laugh it made friend 1 laugh to the point where he couldn’t shoot me anymore. And with the combined power of both their laughs it made me laugh and because of my asthma back then, I had that god tier wheezing laugh which just made the whole situation even funnier.

After this funny moment me and friend 2 were able to become closer friends because of the laughs we made. Of course this one moment was just one element of what makes a friendship good, but it sure was an important one. Because even now in Senior year of High School every time this moment comes up in our conversations, we immediately start to laugh at it again. This one funny moment with my friends unknowingly created a seal of friendship with one of the friends that has yet to be broken to this day.

“LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE!” by imchaudhry photo is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0


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