TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Is Social Media a Good Thing?

Social media is a big part of people’s lives and it is used every single day by many different people. There are a bunch of different apps and websites that people can use. The amount of things social media can be used for on a daily basis is endless. Some can be for work and others can be for entertainment. People all over the world have many different opinions on if social media is a good or bad thing. In many situations, social media can be good. For example, finding friends and communicating with them, sometimes your work may be online, school work, playing games to keep you entertained, shopping around for items, and finding out information. There can also be many negative things that social media can bring. Such as, cyber-bullying, unhealthy amounts of time spent on social media, and receiving misinformation.

I believe that social media is mostly a good thing for people. The amount of people that I have personally interacted with because of social media is crazy. Without social media, I know for a fact that I would never have talked to the people I do now. With social media, it is easier for me to talk to people than it is in real life because I get pretty shy meeting new people that I am not all that comfortable with. Social media is acceptable when you are making friends with other people and getting to know them better. There are people all over the world that you can meet on social media through many different apps.

Another reason I believe that social media is a good thing is because it keeps me entertained. Without having social media, I would be constantly bothering my mom and asking her to do things with me and sometimes my mom just needs her space. The more apps that we have on social media, the more entertainment we can have. Entertainment is always a good thing to have with kids that get very bored easily. Social media can be used when you are on a road trip and you have nothing else to do. Some apps that we have on social media that help with entertainment are Snapchat, Tiktok, Instagram, and Twitter. All of these apps have so many different things that can be done on it. There is a choice for everyone in the world to have an app on social media that entertains them. Entertainment is always going to be needed in the world so social media will always be a good thing for that.

One way that someone could say social media is not a good thing is when people start to cyberbully. People feel more confident online than they do in person so that is when bullying can start to happen. When kids start cyber-bullying, it can get very out of hand and things can start to lead down the wrong path. Kids can become very depressed and it can result in them hurting themselves. Sometimes people on social media do not know when it is time to stop the bullying. No matter what, there is always going to be at least some form of bullying in the world, so cyber-bullying should not be the only reason why someone else does not think social media is a good thing.

Overall, social media has its perks and downfalls but there are so many good things that come from social media that need to be seen by the people that do not like it. All of the positive things help people in life and sometimes it brings them motivation to keep doing good. Everyone learns new things from social media and they can become an overall better person. I think that social media is a good idea for the world.

“Automotive Social Media Marketing” by socialautomotive is licensed under CC BY 2.0


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