TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Think Before you Speak

There are many situations in which you say things you don’t mean to say, they just come out and you regret them as soon as they have been said. I can think of many situations where I have done this. One specific example of when I did this was when my mom and I were arguing and in the heat of the moment, I told her that I hated her. My brain was working a little slower and it wasn’t registering what I had been saying. I quickly realized what I had said and I automatically felt terrible. I regretted saying it or even thinking about it. My mother does so much for me and I said I hated her and hurt her feelings all because of a stupid little argument we had. The more I look back on the situation, the more I realize how many ways I could have avoided hurting my mom’s feelings or just avoided the whole argument to begin with. There are so many other things that I could have said that would not have hurt her or I could have just resorted to walking away from the problem.

I learned that saying something in an argument isn’t always the route you should take. I now have realized that just going to my room or not saying anything would be the better thing to do in any situation like this. Luckily, my mom can just get over the fact that I said I hated her, but if it ever happened to someone else or if I said something worse, then it could potentially affect them for a very long time. There are so many things that can happen to the relationship you have with someone if you speak before thinking. The more you think before you speak, the less damage you will do to other people and the more relationships will last.

I have changed from this incident because I am thinking before speaking so much more now. There are still sometimes where I speak without thinking, but it is not nearly as much. Thinking about the things you are going to say is going to save you so much trouble in your life. For example, I do not have nearly as many arguments with people as I used to because I think before I speak now. All the hassle of trying to better your relationship with someone all because of something you said that might have been mean that you didn’t mean to say can be fixed with thinking before speaking. You can learn so much from one situation and fix it with many other situations. The more you think before you speak, the more the positives will come out and the negatives will leave. 

“The four capital mistakes of open source” by opensourceway is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0


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