TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Ad Me to the Algorithm

In my experience with social media, my real identity has always been different than my advertisement identity. I have always gotten sports equipment advertisements. My Instagram identity is not the real me meaning, I am not represented truly in the social media world by advertisements. Meaning my advertising Identity just enjoys sports while my real identity is not as superficial. Like PGA and Lacrosse. “Buy this new glove holder with your favorite college on it.” (Instagram ad) I haven’t ever bought anything from an ad I see but sometimes they seem like an ok product. I think the idea of me being a “sports” guy is overblown in a way. While I am a three-sport athlete and very knowledgeable about sports, I think I am more than an athlete. I think my advertisement identity isn’t who I really am meaning it isn’t a movie-loving artist I don’t think my advertisement identity isn’t close to my “real Identity.” my advertisement identity isn’t like my real identity

My favorite things to do are watch movies, work out, and paint, in that order. I never get movie advertisements when on social media when scrolling and scrolling. This is unlike my advertisement identity. Because I only get advertisements for sports gear. This is demonstrated by my actual identity being an artist. This juxtaposed my advertisement identity being an all sports player. Purging the internet for something to captivate my mind trying to provide my real identity to the internet to portray who I really am. They could use what I give them to create my advertisement identity that is far from my real identity. This is represented by my real identity being more introspective than my advertisement identity. My advertisement identity isn’t like my real identity. I never knew how much I liked movies compared to others then this year when I would say a reference in class and everyone is oblivious to what I am referencing. It’s fun to know about movies. while I have never been a big reader, averaging maybe 5 books read a year, I like movies because they captivate my attention unlike anything else. The similarities between my advertisement identity and my real identity being I do play sports and enjoy them.

I have never been into art at any point in my life until a couple of years ago when I decided to take some risks. I enjoy painting with wonderful colors in swirls around the page. This is the opposite of my advertisement identity. I use a lot of paint like a Jackson Pollock type but while I constantly buy paint almost every week, I never get ads for paints. This shows how my advertisement identity isn’t like my real identity. My advertisement experience does not reflect my actual personality. I believe I am more than an athlete that sits in the back of the class with their mind in space. I feel I am an artist who loves a good film that likes to play sports on the side. My advertisement identity isn’t like my real identity.

Featured Image: THopkins22


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