TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


My friend Ella was going on a date to watch the sunset and she invited Amber and I to come with her, but she told us we had to go dressed up as boys so no one would recognize us. We were very shocked that she was going to let us go with her because she keeps that part of her life private, so we jumped at the chance because not only was it funny, but it gave us something to do. Amber and I got a few looks from people because they didn’t expect us to be girls.

Since we were allowed somewhat on this date we all needed to change, so we went to Amber’s house. Ella was already dressed, so she waited for Amber and I too try our best to look like men. With me only being 5’1″ it is hard to not look like a little boy so I was given a fake mustache made out of eye shadow, and we put on Amber’s dads basketball shorts with baggy hoodies. At this point I still looked like a girl, but somewhat more man like so I put a hat on to try and hide that fact I have longer hair. With the hat on and my hoodie I would have maybe passed as a boy, but it wasn’t very convincing if you saw my face.

Once we were ready to leave Ella got in her car, and I went with Amber in her car to drive up Rib Mountain. When we got to the top and were in our cars, Ella Facetimed us because she was nervous and that is when her date showed up. Amber and I had to wait for him and Ella to leave the parking lot before we could even get out of the car because we couldn’t stop laughing at each other for looking like boys. I forgot that at this place to watch the sunset you have to climb up a little tower. I don’t do well with heights so Amber and I got half way up and I was like “Yeah, this is good we can stop here”, and she laughed at me and said “Are you kidding me, we’re going to the top”. Long story short we were only at the top for about ten minutes and that was at the very end. Amber and I spent most of that night not even paying attention to Ella and her date because we couldn’t see them. If I wasn’t afraid of heights we would have actually went on the same level as them, but sadly that didn’t happen until the end of the night before we all left. Amber spent most of the night convincing me that I could go up higher, but every time I tried to go higher my anxiety would go up and she would laugh at me, but finally I grew the courage and I made it to the top of the tower. That was when Ella’s friend Mya showed up with her boyfriend Max to join Amber and I on crashing Ella’s date. At that point her date kind of found out that we were Ella’s friends and he looked a little concerned, but I think he thought it was more funny than creepy. We ended up explaining to him that we didn’t actually watch them and that we were just on a few levels below on our phones.

When your friend gives you an opportunity go dress up as a boy to supervise her date you take the chance because it gives you something funny to talk about. Some people you know might look at you funny, but it’s okay because you had fun. You don’t even technically have to watch your friend because I know that I was laying a level or two down from her for 90% of her date. At the end when he found out it was funny because he was a little concerned with us, but I don’t think he found it weird, and later while we sat in the parking lot he just laughed at us.

“View from Rib Mountain, Wisconsin, 1959” by Gary Lee Todd, Ph.D. is licensed under CC0 1.0


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