TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Laughing at Laughter

Life can be extremely hard and can challenge anybody at any time. Luckily one component of life that can distract us from life is laughter. Laughter is a way to show emotion and it can take over our body and attitude at any time. This is a way to show happiness in the most important situations and can cheer people up and really help out a situation. Everyone laughs in different situations and some may laugh at things that others wouldn’t even blink an eye about.

A very funny situation for me took place over Thanksgiving break in 2021. Every year my family goes up to camp and all the guys go hunting all week, and it is a blast. It’s a great way for us to communicate and have some time away from the rest of the family to do what we truly love. The first day we were hunting at camp over break one of us shot a big buck and it started it off amazing. Unfournetly once something good happens while hunting, it’s going to go downhill for a bit. We went the entire week without seeing a single thing, but we managed to shoot a few partridge every here and there. In the truck I was in all week it was my cousin and I and then two more family friends. One of them is 14 and we joked all trip about how he was only good for sleeping and eating all the snacks. That couldn’t be any more truthful. He sleeps for a few hours wakes up reaches in the snack bag devours the snack and starts snoring a couple of minutes later. Surprise surprise he was the only one that didn’t shoot a partridge. On the last day of hunting we were headed home and we saw a partridge just before legal shooting. The snack eater was the only person who has never shot a partridge so we gave him a shot. It was a slow week so we obviously wanted the bird very bad. So we hand him the shotgun and tell him to hop out of the truck. Little did we know we were stopped over a patch of ice. He jumps out of the truck and all of a sudden he disappears. We get out and he is laying underneath the truck. He looks up with a straight face and all he can say is, it’s slippery right here. We instantly broke out in laughter. Even though we wanted the bird, it was still a funny situation and a great way to end the hunting trip.

This shows that laughter is something that can hit you at any second and you can’t possibly contain it sometimes. This is what I would consider a laughing moment in my life. Luckily, to the group of guys I was with, it was truly the highlight of our trip. Fun fact, that partridge is still in the woods laughing at us to this day.

“Snipe Hunt” by MarkGregory007 is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0


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