TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Mistakes Were Made

Nearly all the time there are two political parties that are debating against each other and arguing and the same can be said for friends. There are some of my friends that I can say for sure are people who think with their emotions more than their logic. It was a normal day just like any other and we were all playing video games together until something was said that was unwarranted. It took a while for all of us to makeup and become friends again. We had talked about the argument and what led up to it and it wasn’t until this point that we realized that both parties had made mistakes it was like two countries had been at war when we realized this. The issue was that both parties had made the mistake of not clearly communicating how we felt.

Everyone had taken responsibility for their mistakes and I do believe that most of us, since then have learned how to better handle these types of situations. This argument started over something as small as an ant and blew up to the size of an elephant. This had all taken place on the computer application called discord made for socialization primarily among people who heavily played video games. My friend Noah had understood that what he said had offended some of us and he apologized to us for what he had said because it was disrespectful. While me and my friend Taydon had understood that we hadn’t really given him a fair chance to explain himself and his actions and while I won’t go into detail we had come to the understanding that both parties were wrong and nobody was right in that situation.

It took a lot of selflessness to understand what each of us had done wrong to make the situation worse. We first had to understand why we felt the way we did at that time and once we understood that we could break down piece by piece how one thing led to another. After we had connected each link we could finally understand how one word affected the entire mood and vibe of the situation. It helped that everyone decided that it was easier to put the situation behind us and instead analyze and understand why and how it happened which is how we came to a conclusion. Some of us had to swallow our pride and accept the fact that we were wrong which in my opinion is one of the biggest signs of maturity in a person.

The biggest part of this story I believe was all of us coming together and realizing that we had made mistakes and that we were only human. We had no choice but to accept the fact that mistakes were made and there was nothing that we could do in order to change what had already happened. After we had solved the issue we decided to move on and learn from this instead of linger and contemplate who was right and wrong. So yes when mistakes are made I do believe that we learn from them and grow as a result of them happening. I believe it is within human nature to adapt and evolve from these mistakes which is all apart of the learning process.

“CAT” by Bahman Farzad is licensed under CC BY 2.0


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