TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Reward of Patience

I believe that patience is something that is important in our everyday lives. I believe that there are many things that count on patience in order to be successful. There was a time when I was young and hated relying on other people. My younger self would always try and find ways to make money or get things my own way instead of doing it the way that most people would consider what is the right way to do it. I would always try to do some chores around the house in order to make some cash so I could save it up for something like a videogame.

I believe that as I grew I had come to realize that I shouldn’t rush growing up over things such as that. One day my parents started giving me money to save and I would save it up and buy things that way. I had never thought of the idea of receiving money from them and saving it since I liked to earn it my way. I believe that it was at this point that I began to realize that they are in my life to help me mature so I am ready for the time that is adulthood. Learning to be patient is a part of growing up that everyone has to learn at some point in their life.

I believe that being patient and taking your time will make the wait more rewarding for yourself in the long run. Looking back to when I was younger and everything that has happened up until that point I can say that I appreciate being able to experience it all. Living in the moment is all it takes sometimes there isn’t always a need to be in such a rush to get things done. There will always be plenty of opportunities to do the thing that you want to do so its best to just take it slow. When we are patient we can better understand the world around us the mistakes that we make so we won’t make those same mistakes again.

Another thing that you can gain from being patient are great observational skills and wisdom. My younger self through patience learned to better absorb the knowledge that surrounded me making me better at observing the environment and the people, animals or things that take up that environment. The world is such a big place and you will never be able to learn everything and visit everywhere so you should just take your time and understand everything else. I believe that once you better understand your surroundings then you can start moving and making decisions since you fully understand everything. I believe that patience is the key to success in life because you can apply the skills that you learn from your surroundings in order to better yourself as an individual.

There may be times in your life where you will need to rush such things but those things will make themselves known when the time comes. Learning takes time you can’t always rush learning something new you’ll have to take time understanding what you want to know which takes patience. As I grew closer to the age that I am now I understand the concept of being patient and apply throughout my daily life. As I said once before the key to success is patience and while it may not make up all of it, it makes up a good amount of your success. Patience is the reason that humans have been able to evolve so much thus far making it one of the greatest tools in all of human history.

“Twickenham bench” by @Doug88888 is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0


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