TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Text or Call

Calling and texting both have their different pros and cons. Calling can for sure be the better option sometimes. While in other cases texting could be the right choice. Both options are used very frequently on a daily basis. One pro to calling is it is more efficient and oftentimes faster. If your on the phone with someone you can be sure they understand what you’re trying to say and that they got the message. With a text though sometimes are left wondering if they ever saw your message and sometimes the person who receives it misunderstands it. This can be frustrating because it can lead to things happening like buying multiples of something you only need one of. While on a call with someone you can hear their emotions and really understand how they are feeling when they are talking to you. You also don’t have to worry about auto correct or misspelling words. A con to calling would be if your in a very loud area with a lot of people it may be very difficult at times to hear someone or for the other person to hear you. Also if your in a room full of people you might not want someone to over hear your conversation. A con for calls would be that calls also don’t always have the best connection so you could be driving through a dead zone and have your call be fuzzy or cut in and out. Texting definitely is more convenient. Texting is very easy and at anytime you can send over a text and even if the connection is poor it will send as soon as it has good enough connection. Another pro to texting is that you don’t always know when other people are busy. If I try to call someone they might not answer because they are busy and then they could forget to ever call me back. With a text they can either read it right away and decide to answer now or later. One more pro of texting is you can go back and view the messages. So if you put down your phone and forget what your mom just asked you to do you can pick up your phone and read what she had just said. That could also be a con though because if you have messages you don’t want someone else to see they could go in your phone and see them if your not careful. Both texting and calling have their special moments to shine. Calling is better for faster and clearer communication. Texting is better for convenience.

phone call” by Sean MacEntee is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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