TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Right or Wrong

The right to privacy is a very interesting argument. I say this because being private means different things to everyone. Whether it be because of personal beliefs or religion, it all differs from person to person. In The Constitution, we have a baseline for what the minimum amount of privacy is legal. I personally feel like our right to privacy has slowly been decreasing with the usage of technology. Everything we do, everywhere we go we are being watched, monitored, or listened to. Because of the shifting narrative of privacy, it is hard to put a judgment on the right to privacy for children since adults do not even have that much privacy anymore. We walked into our homes where we are supposed to be ourselves and where we sleep at night, yet we are still being listened to. I feel like there is a range of when children stop being so dependent on their parents. I’m not talking about having a house to live under or being provided with food. I mean, they start to make decisions for themselves and start to freely think a little bit. The issue with this is that there is not a certain age or time frame where this starts to happen. Everyone is different and things differ from person to person. I do feel like children deserve the same right to privacy but to a certain extent.

It is very hard for infants to have the same privacy as adults. Let’s say a child is at the beach, and their bathing suit comes off. Now the little kid is running around, running from their parents, thinking it is funny. If this were someone 13 or older, then we would have some issues. Even 13 is pushing it. My point is, no one cares that the little kids bathing suit came off for a few minutes because they don’t know right from wrong of what they’re doing yet. To me, where this becomes an issue is when the person knows the right and wrong of it. I will say we do all deserve the same right to privacy, but where it differs is when you break those privacy rules depending on the situation. I feel that it is less of an issue when a child does it because they are innocent still do not know what’s right from wrong. Adults know what’s right from wrong, so if they break those privacy rules that’s when it becomes a public indecency issue. I do understand that with the technology era we are in children are being monitored by their parents closer and closer. Parents also have the right to know what you are doing and observe your behavior to shape you into a good person. Once kids know right from wrong and can start to make their own decisions then the monitoring by parents should be reduced. I am not saying stop parenting your child but stop being all over them so much. Once they know what is right and wrong, the mistakes are for them to make and to learn from.

I do not feel like rights to privacy can be an all-or-nothing thing. Depending on certain situations, how mature someone is, or what a person needs are all things that can shift how much privacy someone needs. I do feel like even when we step outside of our homes we are being watched. I see both sides of it though. The government wants to make this country the safest place possible, but it also removes any trust in the citizens of this country. The right to privacy is a very opinionated topic so whatever someone thinks, someone might think otherwise. No matter what, you will be wrong in someone’s opinion. There are so many issues like this nowadays and that is a big reason our country is so divided. We have stepped away from accepting people’s thoughts and opinions to trying to argue which one is right or wrong. This is one of those things.

Good vs. Bad” by PropagandaTimes is marked with CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.


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