TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Right to Privacy

Your parents should allow you privacy, without privacy there is no trust. When you are a freshman in high school you need your own personal space. Parents need to understand that you are becoming more of an adult and you don’t need them watching over everything you do. When parents don’t allow their children privacy, they most likely will rebel away and end up getting into more trouble. This will cause their parents to punish them, and that can lead to them doing it again, but now they know what not to do so they don’t get caught. If parents proactively allow their children to do certain things with rules, their kid will more likely tell them if something bad happens. If they don’t feel safe they will hide it and that could cause something worse to happen.

If your parents don’t let you learn to be independent you won’t know how to behave., and you might make some dumb decisions. If parents are very strict and don’t let their child do anything, it can lead to their kid becoming more sneaky. I have had friends that will talk about sneaking out and going to parties and going home and getting into trouble but the next time there is a party they will do it again. That shows the parent isn’t doing that great of a job because they could be being strict so the kids rebelling or they might not care at all, and are just letting their kid do it. There should be a balance between being strict and letting them go and have fun. When parents find that balance it will make their kids feel more loved and safe so they are now more likely to talk to them. I know that if my mom was strict I wouldn’t like her as much and would hide everything from her. Right now my mom knows basically everything that I do because I know that she trusts me and if I was to mess up I would feel safe to tell her and know she will be supportive. When I lived with my dad, he didn’t trust me and would track we everywhere I went. I only was going to my friends house. It was upsetting to me because before he trusted me and now all of the sudden he didn’t. He would say “Why did you turn your location off”, but I wasn’t I just would run out of data and the app stopped tracking me. That lead to me to not telling him much and if I was to make a dumb decision I wouldn’t have told him because he wouldn’t be supportive, he would have just gotten mad.

Once your parents find the balance they should allow you more privacy. You should feel more comfortable with them and more likely tell them if you have done something wrong and need help, instead of hiding it from them.

Privacy” by moore.owen38 is marked with CC BY 2.0.


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