TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Taking AP Lang

Everyone knows that me signing up for AP Language was a mistake. For those of you who don’t know, I cannot do schoolwork on time for the life of me. I had originally signed up for good old English III like most juniors had done. Due to covid our classes where a semester at a time rather than red and white days. I spent the beginning of the year going through nursing assistant and algebra II classes. I excelled in the nursing class of course because it was something I was passionate about. Algebra on the other hand was a struggle but I passed; second semester was when I had English. At the last minute I decided to take AP Lang with the persuasion of some of my girlfriends who planned on taking it. “You should do it Maddie, it’ll be so easy! We won’t have to do membean!” Yeah, I still had to do membean.

The lack of motivation my junior year is beyond me. I had senioritis times 1,000 and I blame online school, covid, and my break up for that. Since I joined last second I was already behind. I did no summer work for the class. We were assigned essay after essay and I think I wrote a solid 2 essays, if that last year. I wanted to have the motivation to get my work done, but it wasn’t there. I would sit down to start writing but produce nothing on paper. It was too much work for me to handle. I let myself drown in the schoolwork until it was too late to recover.

My mistake wasn’t even one, it was failure. I failed my first ever class and that saddens me. I hate that I let myself get to that point, but it taught me a valuable lesson though. Listen to your gut instincts because they’re usually right. With that being said, I knew I never should have agreed to sign up for AP Lang, but I did it anyway. I now have a failed class on my school record and have to take not only English IV this year but also, English III. Lucky me am I right? I knew the schoolwork would have been too much but of course I never listened to the voice inside my head that told me to stick with the English I could handle.

Now as a senior, I have to learn from this mistake and not make it again. Being enrolled in English IV though still challenging, is not impossible. I have to make sure I stay caught up in my work and learn from the past. I cannot let history repeat itself so I can’t let myself fail English this year. If I do fail, catch me being the next super senior at Oak Hill High School. Valid I do already have the nickname but as an old adage once said, “sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never harm me.” It’s time for me to remember that and live by it. This is my year. This is the year I graduate and pass English IV on time.

books” by whereisyourmind is marked with CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.


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