TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Which One Should You Choose?

Texting or Calling. Which one is better to use? Is one better than the other at all? In my opinion, it is mainly up to the person whether they would like to call or text. I cannot convince you to call or text but I can name some advantages and disadvantages to call/texting.

I will list some advantages to Calling first, with calling being more personal, you can hear the person you are talking to and hear what tone of voice they are using. It is a lot easier to read people and their emotions, a lot of stuff on text can be said using different tones. You can say one thing but in certain situations, it can be used in a mad or rude way as well as a nice or understanding way. Another way calling is better than texting is if they do pick up on the first ring it is a lot quicker to get a response, it is like having a normal conversation. You do not have to wait for the other person to open the app read your message, type their response and send it. In case of an emergency, the call is instantly what you should do if you have the choice between text and calling. Through all that I have said there are still some advantages to texting.

Texting may not be instant, but if the other person is in an interview for a job or at a job/ school a call would be very interrupting. There are many times when stuff isn’t urgent and there is no need for a call. Sometimes calling can hurt more than texting does. Let’s say you were in an argument but you don’t want to say something you don’t mean. Texting can act as a filter as well, you can proofread what you want to say and see if you actually want to say that or not. Lastly, most people text instead of call, there is a reason for that. I think we can all agree that texting is a lot more convenient in almost every situation. Calling takes a lot of work, but if you text they can respond any time they can, it ends up being more convenient for the both of you.

samsung phone” by Sean MacEntee is marked with CC BY 2.0.


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