TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Situational Use

Calling and Texting are the most innovative ways we have to communicate with each other. These two ways of communication are the most effective ways to communicate with each other as they are the simplest, quickest and most available way of communication. With both of these communication methods being as great as they are, the real question is, which is better? Calling or Texting?

Calling is the first one to look at as it was the first major communication method created. Calling is great mostly because it’s quick and easier to do as it just requires that you have someone’s call information. For instance, say you’re trying to fix your car; Calling someone for advice is a lot faster and effective as it’s instant and constant communication with the added benefite of not having to stop what you’re doing to hold a device sending a message, as long as you have a good method of calling someone. Another example of why calling would be better would be, when your driving and you need to communicate with someone. Callling is a lot less distracting than texting because it takes a small amount of your attention while texting takes most of your attention. Because of texting there has been a lot of car crashes and deaths and that’s due to how much attention it requires.

Texting is the other major method of communication, made a little after the invention of phones. This way of communication is helpful because your(usually) able to look back at the text if you forgot about what it said which is helpful when you receive a lot of information at once or a step-by-step process. An example of this would be if you need help fixing your car, a long informational text that tells you what you need to do one step at a time is quite useful for a lot of people. Another example of why texting is better would be when your in a workplace environment or a library. Texting would be better in these situations because calling someone can be very distracting to other people so being able to silently text other people is good in a lot of situations.

Both texting and calling are excellent forms of communication, both having advantages and disadvantages depending on what situations you are in. Calling being usfull for constant and consistent communication and it requires a small amount of your attention. Texting being usfull for obtaining information, keeping information and keeping things quiet and non-distracting for others. Obviously there is no definite answer to the question of which one is better because that depends on what type of person someone is and what situations they often find themselves in.

Texting” by Jhaymesisviphotography is marked with CC BY 2.0.


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