TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Digital Footprint

Today’s society seems to revolve around social media and what your status is in the digital world. It is very easy for your digital footprint to make or break how you are viewed in this world. It is important to keep a positive digital footprint because something you might have done when you were younger and did not know any better could come back to bite you when you are looking for a job and your employer does a background check. The good news is that it can be easy to create a positive digital footprint when you are young. Some students can create a positive digital footprint for themselves could include using social media to collaborate or even connect with the community. This also can be great for college applications. It is an amazing way for people to express themselves and expand their creativity. The digital world also allows us to interact with people from every walks of life with many different views that we can learn from and by doing that we can also improve our communication skills.

Device Love” by lukew is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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