TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Texting vs Calling

Are you a texter or a caller? Texting gives you more time to think of a difficult answer to a question while if you were on a phone call you are put on the spot and if you pause to think of an answer then whoever’s on the other end is going to know that you don’t know what to say.

I like to text over calling. I feel like personally, I like the opportunity to go back and look at past text messages whether it’s to remember a time and place for an event happening, looking back to read texts to think of something exciting that happened, or looking back at memories.

There are benefits to both texting and calling. Some conversations are meant to happen over a phone call rather than a text if you aren’t able to talk in person. Calling is more at the moment than texting. while texting you can say something and go hours or days without getting or sending a response.

The advantage of texting is if someone texts you’ll always have the conversation saved so you can look back at it at any time. When texting, you have a longer response time you can take longer to think of what you need to say to make sure you are saying the right thing. The disadvantage of texting is you aren’t getting the person-to-person conversation. Without the person-to-person conversation, it can be harder to understand someone without hearing it with their words coming from their mouth. Texting also comes with the difficulty of not understanding the real feelings of the other person it can be hard without hearing their voice of exaggerations or if they are being serious. The advantage of calling is you get a person-to-person connection. It also helps make a better understanding by hearing their voice and being able to tell the tone they are using to better understand what they are trying to pass along. The disadvantage of calling is you say it at the moment and you can’t ever go back to look at it as if you forgot the date of something or need past information. This makes it hard because if you have something important coming up and you’re discussing it you won’t be able to remember and then it’s gone and you’ll have to end up contacting them again. Overall I find it easier and better to text rather than call.

Sprint PPC-6700 Smart Phone” by Michael @ NW Lens is marked with CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.


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