TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Call or Text

There are very many different ways to message and communicate with your friends and peers. People will always find a way to talk to one another.  There is a pretty big debate on whether calling or texting is better. Personally I think that both are great and both should be used at different times. Like shooting a text to a friend to see what their plans are or I would call my employer to let them know I couldn’t come in for a shift. Personally I feel as if there is a time and a place for everything and there is a time and a place for texting and calling like if there is an emergency you call 911 you don’t text them and wait an hour for them to respond.

Texting is a great tool to use when there’s less urgency or you have time to wait, I feel like society expects so much from people and responding to text messages. Normally when I get a text message I take a while to respond which makes people get  mad or they think that I am ignoring them but I think that if it was something that urgent they would just call me.

Calling is also an amazing thing but I feel as if it is more of a professional tool and I mainly only use it if I need to tell someone something urgent or important otherwise I prefer texting. It is a much faster way to communicate and you do not have to worry about interrupting someone’s day. So when they are used in the right way both are amazing.

mobile phone” by Irita Kirsbluma is marked with CC BY 2.0.


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