Think of how much better a student would feel going into college prepared for the work load. Put yourself in this situation, just finished your senior year of highschool and you’re going to college that upcoming fall, what kind of stress would you be under if you know nothing about what you’re getting yourself into? It’s stressful as is going into college as a freshman, you just went from being the oldest at your highschool, to fresh bait in college. Just that alone is a lot of stress on your plate. Now add not knowing any of the the minor skills you should know. I believe that all highschool students should learn about how different college classes are compared to highschool and how much more fast pace they are. Or whether it’s work load or even just social skills. College Prep is important for a senior in highschool.
High school work can be difficult don’t get me wrong, but the work load from college is even harder. I think prep work is very important and should most definitely be thought about in high school to prepare students for a different kind of learning and assignments. Coming from a senior is high school, about to be a freshman in college in a couple months, I feel like I have a pretty good opinion on this. I know about how hard college classes will be because my teachers prepared me for it so I know was to expect. I think all schools should have dual enrollment classes to prepare juniors/seniors for college.
Overall, highschool teachers should definetly have learning targets to help us students develop college skills and get used to the work load that college professors will give students. In conclusion, college prep in very important to prepare a highschool student for the heavy workload, fast pace, and professors for going into college.

“School work -28 of 365(2013)” by Gerald Angeles is marked with CC BY-SA 2.0.