TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Evolution of Driverless Cars

Driver less cars have been a huge topic of discussion these past few years. This industry is mostly dominated by Tesla at the moment. Tesla is owned by the world richest person named Elon Musk. Tesla was really the first full electric driverless car. Nowadays, everywhere you go you see more and more Tesla’s driving around however, 2 years ago that was not the case. This just shows that self-driving cars are now on the come up and who knows what the future holds for these cars. Almost every big city has Tesla charging stations. Mostly every car company has some sort of feature that is called lane assist. Lane assist however, is not the same as a driver less car. Wouldn’t you want to drive a car that can drive itself? No steering no braking just you sitting there and watching the car drive itself. However, for right now Tesla is the main company to go to for driver less cars.

Everyone has heard of driver less cars, but how do they work? Driver less cars have a device called a Lidar that uses rapid laser pulses to measure distances of things. They also have mounted cameras to read colors of signs or lights so they know when to stop and when to go. The on board computer that is connected to the steering and braking mechanics uses the lidar to calculate distances between objects that are in front or in back of the car. The point of a driverless car is to remove human errors and make it so people with disabilities or elderly people with vision loss can still be able to drive in a sense. Having these electric self-driving cars would limit pollution to our planet. It could also reduce accidents and save lives. This is how driverless cars work and hopefully it could make a better and safer future in the coming years.

However, there are still safety problems with these cars. Technology hasn’t evolved enough yet to safely have driverless cars driving around all over the road. They still can have malfunctions in the computers or the computers can have viruses causing the driverless systems to not work. There are still major worries for driverless cars to malfunction and crash. This has happened to a few Tesla cars causing serious accidents. Overall, driverless cars should be more prominent in the years to come. They still do have some safety problems but those problems can be fixed over time as technology evolves. Hopefully driverless cars mean a safer and better future on the roads. In conclusion I think that driverless cars will run the car industry as technology evolves and later on in my life when they figure out how to make these cars more safe I would be interested in getting one. Hopefully, car companies are trying to make these cars more safer and efficient so that in the near future it will be available to the public. These cars would make the roads more safer and if they are electric it would help with pollution which will make the air we breathe more clean. Driverless cars are the future and although the concept of them is scary to some I think we need to embrace them to help make a safer and better future.

File:Google driverless car at intersection.gk.jpg” by Grendelkhan is marked with CC BY-SA 4.0.


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